ms. tanielian. thank you for this blueprint. think it's fantastic and i hope there are many folks, including here in congress, who pick this up. one of the things you brought up which i'm a big fan of his creating a research center of excellence. can you talk more about that? ms. tanielian: we suggested a potential strategy around creating a research center of excellence because it would provide the opportunity to give strategic pursuit to the objectives we identified by providing a mistake of funding and leadership to really jumpstart some of the research. there are multiple ways and examples of other research centers of excellence. we thought a center of excellence specifically focused on military and veteran caregiving research would go a long way to making sure we could get started on pursuing the research objectives that the community agreed are of high importance. >> are there models out there that can be an elated or that we could look to, or best practices? ms. tanielian: there are many examples that already exist. there