ms. tenney? ms. tenney: there is a couple of things. first of all, as i have advocated, i am a small business owner. we have our family manufacturing facility. i am the only one here that is running for this position who has not taken the corporate welfare or been involved in the pay to play schemes you are talking about with start of new york, which is under investigation by a u.s. attorney, and the excelsior program, which is now being questioned by our state comptroller. the secret is not giving out millions in taxpayer money, especially to poor areas like here in the broome county area, where you are seeing the worst small metro areas in the nation, as far as economy -- the broom area and the utica/rome area. need to not keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result, as they say. we need to start reducing taxes, reduce regulations, and stop the trade deals. these trade deals undermine the sovereignty of our country. they make it difficult for us to compete. we need to bring manufacturing jobs back here. my business is l