ms. tumulty: well, yes. ms. page: there's a -- i don't want to identify this person who an terviewed for the book, elected official who's on stage now -- [laughter] s. page: during the -- mr. beschloss: didn't know that karen had -- ms. page: so i don't even know saying we were talking about this very aspect of his grandparents' this -- i p and named -- unnamed elected it's al on stage said, either important -- not you -- but the person we are talking about. useful, ortant or sometimes necessary for the candidate or the official to nearbyia -- amnesia, so it's easier to have someone who does not. if you want to govern, sometimes ou have to let bygones be bygones. you have to buildup your coalition. was not with son you when you ran last time. mr. beschloss: even jackie considered to be sort of the end of being husband's in her career, why are you being so to x? i forget who x was. i thought he did this terrible thing. well, he's done nice things during the weeks since then. through an't go politics if yo