caller: ms. tyson head, i first want to salute you and your daughter for the work you have done so consistently, and you have been so committed to this cause. i have so many questions. i know i am limited to time. i found out about the tuskegee study through the hbo program /documentary ms. evers boys. i was shocked. i have been to tuskegee several times. as a child, my older sister attended and is a graduate from tuskegee, so i have been all through the campus, the carver museum, and i guess my question is how much of the documentary was true and how much was embellished and also, do you have any support for your foundation from any organizations such as, perhaps, pharmaceutical companies or major contributors -- host: let's take up those two questions you asked. guest: thank you for calling in and good morning to you. let's talk about the that was mon it was factual. it painted the men in the light that was uncomplimentary and inappropriate. it was wrongfully done. that is another part of the mission