ms. ortiz walker pedigrew who testified before the crimes subcommittee after being failed by the foster care system, and ms. elizabeth corey, who recently graduated from virginia commonwealth university despite being prostituted by her family, starting as young as 8 years old. and the dozens of other victims of this heinous crime who have been identified in just virginia alone in recent years as well as the many other victims and survivors that exist in all of our states. the sale of children for sex sounds like something that could only happen in faraway places, but sadly it is happening right here in the united states every single day. according to the f.b.i., sex trafficking is the fastest growing business of organized crime, and the third largest criminal enterprise in the world. criminal organizations, including some of the most violent criminal street gangs like ms-13, have realized that selling children is oftentimes more profitable than selling drugs. this is because drugs can only be sold once, but minor children can be and are prostituted multiple times a day. and sadly, the demand