ms. weaver: and then coming right back to crm with the opportunity to come to san francisco in three years ago and joined salesforce. i am looking forward to the panel and hearing from everyone on it today. thank you for the opportunity. let's get started by asking each of you to talk about the top emerging technology issues at your company and your approaches for dealing with them. >> me? [laughter] virtual reality. you can hear me. the top technology issues mean,ated with oculus, i oculus right now is a hardware, software, and platform company, so we look at all of the issues across the board associated with doing the kind of product launches we do. we ship hardware in 22 countries, which means we have an entire supply chain and all of the compliance issues associated with that and that high-tech, but it really is something we think about a lot. piece, of course, there are huge issues associated with platforms and how you interact with all of the various operating systems out there. talk a lot about that, making sure everyone has access to the content who wants it. there is all sorts of