ms. weinman, can you give us a brief overview of what the google book settlement was and who are the parties involved? >> guest: sure, the google book settlement arose from an original lawsuit that was filed by the association of american publishers and the authors guild. they objected to the fact if their view, google was scanning primarily out of print and or fan -- orphan works, those copyright statuses weren't known. they felt the wholesale scanning was infringement. they didn't like that. they sued. as it made it's way through the court, the parties decided to create what is known as the google book settlement. what that would entail is coming up with some means of giving copyright holders some monetary value for their work. and what they elected to do was to create what's known as a opt-out process. where if authors did not want their works to be scanned by google, they would write in and opt out and those who did have their work scanned by google would get about $60 per work. as it made its way through the courts, judge chin last heard about this approximately 14 months ago. and then