ms. wellpoint. >>> good afternoon, i'm nancy werful. i ask you to strengthen the [speaker not understood] as open space and not relegated to being raw land that is for development with no structureseses. a city policy that purports itself to preserving existing open space must actually do that, bernanke, and by specifically preventing new buildings on the land that the city has said is open space. as the city grows more dense, so does the pressure to use our open space as just conveniently available publicly owned vacant land for building dujure. to protect our parks as open space for future generations, the 2013 draft row should have unequivocal restrictions against new buildings. our city policy has assisted in restricting development so we actually have saved many areas as open space. the draft rows has now weakened the preservation mandate. i call upon this commission as the appropriate body to request changes to safeguard the existing open space and landscapes to be made in the draft rows. i urge you to include the following recomm