ms. wiesner indicated is that the global total is 70,000. when we sent the refugee numbers forward for this year, knowing that this program was going to start, we did not adjust that number. we did not think we would really need more than the 4,000. but it is only elastic up to the 70,000, but no one believes that it will be expanded, obviously, to 70,000. >> of the 70,000 number, how uch of that has been utilized? if you've used up to 20,000, so far, you might have, you could take that -- >> are you talking about with this program? this program hasn't begun yet. >> but you said there's a total of 70,000. >> about 6,000 refugees have arrive sod far this fiscal year. from around the world. >> so in the next fiscal year, you could move it from 4,000 up to 64,000. in theory. not saying that you are. but you have a total of up to 70,000 you could use if you've used 6,000 this year, the total number could be much higher than 4,000. am i losing you. >> a little because the 6,000 of the 70,000 have arrived, this year, next year the allocation will