ms. wiggins. would you agree that one of the things that we might be missing is the lack of flexibility between a detroit and a carney, nebraska? >> right, i do understand your question, but also as the former food service director in ann arbor, michigan where there was 3% free and reduced, my parents had the ability to have us have items on the tray. i think what you're missing -- please understand that school meals is not a welfare program. it provides direct benefits to support education for all children. now those paid children that you're worried about, i also have paid children, but those are the children of the working poor, the near poor and the soon to be poor that bring in the junk food to the cafeteria. those kids whose parents can't afford to give them money every day are the kids with their heads down on the cafeteria table and missing lunch. those are the kids, now, that i've been able to embrace and say community eligibility. community eligibility allowed me to bring more revenue in