ms. wiseman, do you have any additional tips for us on staying cool & confident this school year?> if you're thinking about staying cool and confident, you know people, one of the things people go after each other about in school is about body odor and so we've got this great website that i really hope you guys check out. it's called and it's got advice from me and it's got ways to contact me, video blogs, the whole thing, but at the same time it's also giving you information about how to take care of your body, and products that are really helpful for you as you go through the school year. >> carina: thanks to both of you for joining us. >> thanks for having us. man on radio: mission is a go. woman on p.a.: dr. craddox, you have a visitor in the main lobby. you ready to go home today? girl: definitely. let's take a look. this year, more than 27,000 children will be diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition. you are good to go. through the course of their treatment, many of them will miss school. many of them will miss spending time with their family