host: ms. wydra guest: --ms. wydra.t: the good thing about generally applicable nondiscrimination laws is it does not matter what is in the person's heart or not. i do not know what is in the baker's heart. he sounds like a lovely person, but that is neither here nor there. no matter what your internal beliefs are, when it comes to your public-facing business, you have to treat all customers equally, whether you support them in terms of your political beliefs -- what if there are some people that are like i am with her, the hillary shirts, and you have to treat them equally? someoneame way you find annoying, you still have to give them your service. most importantly, our nondiscrimination laws say you have to treat everyone that comes to you equally, and not discriminate against them on the basis of these important, protected characteristics like race, gender, creed, sexual orientation. i have no reason to impugn the calendar -- character of these folks i do not want to provide flowers or cakes, but the fact is they hav