ms. xinis began work with her current 11-attorney law firm in baltimore, where she focuses her practice emphasis on lawsuits against the police. according to her firm's web site, she and two of her colleagues recently settled a $5 million police brutality lawsuit. notably, her firm also represented the family of freddie gray jr., the 25-year-old man who was arrested on april 12, 2015, for possessing an illegal switchblade and who subsequently died, trag lick eye, in -- fragically, in police -- tragically, in police custody, causing rye rots in baltimore, if you recall. the suit against the city and the police department in which her firm represented the plaintiff settled for $6.4 million. well, this may have been a totally justified settlement. i certainly believe that any death in custody of a police officer by any accused is entitled to and requires a thorough investigation, but in a big city like baltimore, when there is civil and unrest and huge public atten, cities -- attention, cities are