being left of tommy i learned something today when we were honoring the life and contributions of ms. yuri and one of the things she's said not drawn thirty to an organization but the issue that really captures the my position and my feelings towards proposition 13 not being framed as a moderate or progressive issue but an important issue nor the entire state of california. i want to give some uplift and acknowledge to supervisor yee who was an early co-sponsor thank you. and to welcome to kim and supervisor campos and my others. okay. thank you >> with that, colleagues unless any discussion. >> on item 40. supervisor avalos. supervisor breed. supervisor campos. supervisor chiu. supervisor malia cowen. supervisor farrell. supervisor kim. supervisor mar. supervisor tang. supervisor wiener. supervisor yee. there are 11 i's. this resolution is adapted (clapping) >> and with that, why not go to our next agenda we have a resolution you're going san francisco railway drivers to end they're sick out and urging the mini management to participate in an ash tradition process. >> thank you, superviso