i mean, msb. mini, a mini sonic boom. that's right, when you get that crack, honey, that circus whip is going faster than 750 miles an hour. the tip and it's making its own little sonic boom. it's the same as a towel, is it? with a towel? long towel maybe. yeah. the long towel snap, yeah, yeah. neat 'o, neat 'o stuff. speed of sound about 340 meters per second, but that's an air. and guess what's a poor conductor of sound? begin with "a". - air. - air. the best we got, honey, okay? it turns out like in water. in water, sound travels about four times faster. and in steel, about 15 times faster. you know, you kind of make do that when you have-- you know, you got your two ears. do you ever wonder how was it that someone can make a sound over here and you know it's there or here and you know it's there? how do you know? how do you know where the sound is coming from? how many people have never wondered about things like this before? [laughter] okay. well, we're wondering about it now, yeah? huh? it's kinda neat. you know wha