i have 100% service connected for ptsd due to the mst.people don't understand that, who are not in the military, when they hear ptsd and mst. so -- so, let me start with you, elizabeth, and, cacilia, you can jump in if you want to, just for people who don't understand how those two are connected. >> yeah, ptsd is a term that means posttraumatic stress disorder, and military sexual trauma is a term that's abbreviated mst, and so, it happens when someone is sexually assaulted in the military. they develop ptsd, but it has some different symptoms that ptsd you might develop from combat. it's, in some ways, more severe than combat ptsd, and yet it's more difficult sometimes to get those benefits that heath was talking about. >> so, heath, you feel like you were retaliated against, right? >> yes, ma'am, in more than one way. >> and how would you compare that retaliation to the assault? >> [ sighs ] it's actually worse. >> it was worse? >> i-i-it's more demeaning. when... you join the military, they're supposed to have your back, and when they