mt. bjelasnica, people will spend a lot of time outdoors since it's the herding culture.y will spend a lot of time up in the hills all alone looking down into the valley. and if somebody's passing through the valley, they certainly want to be heard. [singing ganga] it is very important to conquer that space with your voice. in terms of finding a genre that will carry the furthest, it's definitely a genre called ganga. and this particular type of singing is characterized by very close harmonies, so voices are close to each other and they somehow acoustically clash off of each other, but that enables the sound to travel further. when i first got to medlo fair, which is the occasion on the mountain when everybody gathers in one place and the singing happens everywhere, it's just absolutely astonishing. but when i first got there, i was somewhat frustrated because that was my first really independent field work, and i really wanted to get nice recordings and wanted to get nice cuts, and it was just impossible. for a while, i was running around from one group to the other. you