the city's population, mthis is a person increase from 2000. about 3.7%. i think of interest to the commission is tha tthe city -- that the city is diverse, 33% asian, 6% black population. the largest decrease in the city. the latino population has grown to 15% of the population. the most growth is in district six. we represent the largest district in the city. >> the department staff. we will get this to you in the next week. >> you will include the unoccupied housing units. supervisors will know the concentration of these units. it might be a challenge. working with the mayor's office for pilot rent control. there are all kinds of techniques. i do not have the democraphics -- demographics of where they are. it would be interesting -- partially, for what is dillapidated. the other foreclosure units. this is almost 1% of the city. this is huge. >> a group met around the african american population. >> the mayor's office had a report. we will -- have this at the commission. this is oakland, also, has lost a large portion of the african- americans. it is 27%