>> it does mtter. after the last campan a lot of smart people n washington said sarah lin should go back up to jneau, run thestate and get a few more accomplishmes derneath her belt if hey -- s wanted to run for presint in her own rght. shedid not takethat advi. as should have learned by now, sarah palin marchesto her n drummer. it took a lo of the political establishment aack, her sudden decisiono quilt her term wit 18 mosss to go. but out in plaes like iowa and new hashire, the kickof places for the nomining ontests, you talk to the grs roots o the republican party and they largelyaccept her explanation fo why she's stepping down, the lawuits and ethics investigatins which she says are frivolous ae a distraction stott state and that the mediaas reall becomenvasive to her family. that last point is not ne to overlook becau for a lot of conservativ activists hey lump the press i with plin's critics on the left and say you guys have been hard on he for 10 months evr since she stepped on the naional stag