with mu glock 17 modify to shoot paint ball like bullets i'm the good guy with a gun to take him down you need to be ready. it could happen any second. from this point on, need to be ready. >> stop! stop! that was a test run. i wasn't ready. >> probably not going to be ready for it in real life. >> i get a do-over. i prepared to do battle and got shot again and again and again.. why is that so hard in that was nothing like call of duty. >> i told you it's not that simple. >> yeah but the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. >> that's inaccurate. one out of every five shooter events gets stopped and most are unarmed. >> from hillary pac? no, a report that came out last year from the f.b.i. >> trevor: obama's f.b.i.? it's the f.b.i. >> trevor: you believe the liberal clap trap? >> i co-authored the report. his report proved my good guy with a gun. >> some cases good guys are able to stop the shooter. >> half? not half. a quarter? no. what percent? about 3%. 3%? but these guys said the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. we must not