mu sochua has long been working for the rights and safety of female workers and is a member of the cambodiaional rescue party. >> the opposition party and labor unions say they did everything for the sake of the workers. but what situation are the workers in now? pav panna was a leader of the workers during the demonstration at the sl factory. she still works there now. >> panna's monthly salary has dropped significantly because factories suffering declines in orders can no longer give workers long-term contracts and can only offer short-term contracts. panna has also been left with the debt she accumulated during the strikes. >> panna was invited to join the union soon after she migrated to the city. she initially participated out of curiosity after hearing her pay would increase. she was soon promoted to leader, due to her caring personality and educational background. unlike most other workers, she graduated from junior high school. panna lives five minutes from the factory with her husband ho polin. her husband, who works at the same factually, also earns less now. the couple came to ph