example um, the most clear individual recent example, if you want to look is for example another muazenberg um, who wanted to do something very simple, straightforward to help out few households in syria, and he ran his uh, his visit and his aid, passed officials first, and yet when he came back, he was hassled, he was detained, um, he was denied his day in court uh, and so on, and if we look at deeper examples like iraq, or even going as far back as vietnam, we see situations where aid is controlled, manipulated, diverted and so on, hostile governments, you know, the the sanctions on iraq, the the sanction on vietnam, these were put in place, again, it was about narrative control, it was about manipulating entire governments. so don't take these labels at face value um because there's someone who benefits from that narrative control. elaborate more though for me on the who does benefit, how do they benefit? you know financial. is it like the war machine that's being fueled, are - are people's pockets getting lined with you that kind of narrative that's being promoted in media? yeah, for su