eae teststn n n enthiast thairc has so muc popontl. learn at's hoing them downwn y that two say that two people are d d after q small ple crash in northern e e pasa count thnational trtrsportation safe boardrd says i icoul another ek bpforere... they find out wh caused the plane to go downn papmer lake, near the railroad trackck that run through town. a rmer air rce piloloo o ves near the ash siteayay e teteain and toly. paseoty sherirf's s fice confirir... e wind coulde play rolin the crh. and 25 y ago .. today unitedirlines fligig 585 crashehehn deeld.tpe flht was cong from denver t colorado springs when e plane se dived intotoark. l passenrsrsnd fivevew w membs died in the plane crash.h. the n-t-s-b blam a defective rudder for the crash.h. drones are quicklklbebeeengng a multi-million dollar industry... but enthusiasts y there'e' something holding them ba. . krdo- nechannel 1313 greg miller is lookokg at the impact that drones have had on business and public safetet.. alalalwiwi the ture of drones in other parts of life as well... i