throughout history dictators like zimbabwe's mugabe have used water as a weapon to starve their enemies of water. but what we've never seen in history is the democracy starving its own people of water. mr. speaker, my constituents are not enemies of the state. quite honestly, offering this amendment today is the worst of all options. but because of the actions of this democrat majority, i have in -- i had no other choice. they have refused to allow debate on this issue or even a vote on a bill that would end this crisis for good. this amendment is a small step in a long process that must be made to build a case that this congress has failed its constitutional duties to provide for the general welfare of its citizens. and, mr. speaker, unfortunately this is a bipartisan amendment, i would urge support of this amendment. my colleagues, mr. cardoza and mr. costa, have been very helpful in drafting this amendment. so i hope that the congress will adopt and i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. the gentleman from west virginia, for what