of these 21, we have been able to locate eight sites in the capital with precision, including: muha militarygency headquarters, the basement of the ruling party headquarters, containers in the yard of the national water and electricity provider's building, in kigobe, and the headquarters of the police unit in charge of protecting the country's institutions. this is where former president melchior ndadaye was buried. there has been a police presence next to his tomb for years but between september and november, 2015, a new structure appeared and our sources say it became a base for an antiriot brigade. the troops are visible here. they were deployed to suppress the protests in 2015, and were accused of using containers in the yard as detention and torture sites. a victim told us that he was interrogated in this pink house, in the suburb of mutakura, in 2016. it is a former bakery abandoned by its owner during the protests. the victim told the bbc that liquid was injected into his stomach. and another former intelligence agent told us that he saw people being killed in a bar called iwabowa ba