shahab al-muhajir, also known as “sana,” came to leadership.e organization from direct clashes to carrying out terrorist attacks. during the 2021 us troop withdrawal, he carried out a terrorist attack at kabulul airport. in september 2022, velayat kharasan militants claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing near the russian embassy in the afghan capital. and in august 23 for a terrorist attack in the shah cherakh mausoleum in iranian shiraz. total. an action cannot be prepared in a couple of days; in addition to the direct performers , entire chains of assistants must be involved. is it really possible that an underground structure, far from the scene of action, can easily organize this? one thing is especially important to understand: is there a large country that is behind the direct executors, or even a group of countries, as for opportunities, if there is money, the rest will follow, and if there is money, someone. from smuggling and beyond, from the technical side there are also no problems, after the us withdrawal from afghanistan, the