iraq's prime minister muhammad shidani has warned washington against any attacks on his country in a phone call with us secretary of state anthony blincon. he slammed washington's latest attack on the jer of nasr. reiterating his country's commitment safeguarding his borders and sovereignty and pro-palestinian rallies continue across the world with protests demanding an end to the israeli brutal aggression against the besieged ghaza strip. demonstrators also called for a permanent ceasefire in the territory and the delivery of aid to palestinians in gaza. the israel genocidal war in gaza is going through the humanitarian truth phase, as of the recording of this program, it will end today. now as the regime has said that it will continue the war, but at what cost, it's not only costing the israeli economy billions of dollars, the palestinian economy is also suffering. in this edition of the program, we will look at how israel has been practicing occupation and apartite policy. squeezing palestinians and financial wellbeing. coming up in this program, first the occupation itself. oslow