for example, muhammadsabir fayzov, 19 years old, single, no children, secondary education, previously a child, registered in putilkov near moscow, worked there as a laborer at parquet factories. in 2015, he was sentenced in tajikistan to 5 years. 8 months for attempted rape of a minor, saidakrami doctor balizov, 30 years old, married, has a child, unemployed, dallerzhon mirzoev, 32 years old, married with three children, was on the territory of the russian federation with his registration in novosibirsk expired 3 months ago, which is why he was fined on 5,000 rubles and was obliged to make an independent exit from russia, his brother, ravshajon mirzoev, was on the list of terrorists in tajikistan, as he fought for isis in syria, that is, these are young people, 19, 32 years old, with secondary or incomplete secondary education , who practically do not speak russian, although i don’t really believe in this, because working as a hairdresser without speaking russian is quite difficult in ivanovo, but... nevertheless, they communicated through carriers, which was probably more convenient