feet in the madrassas, a school, and who believes life begins and ends on the instructions of the mula, the cleric in charge. the politics became complicated because of what the british did. they were not just satisfied of grading the sanction among the believers. that was not enough. there had to be division in the country. when the british left, before they left, they created surrogates, and, actually, the appointed surrogates closest to their own pliable or at least already practicing a kind of structure, feudalism which is close to what the british of its practices at the time until late into the 20th century, and so they not only falsified the elections that followed, that proceeded independence. they falsified even the senseless. now, this was in custody, if you check the notes of the so-called home office which is where the colonies of the british are administered, they look for the book of harold smith, a civil servant in nigeria at the time. he got into trouble because he did not want to carry out orders. he was ordered to participate in the falsification of sensors, but falsi