on october 4th, inspector mulcha obtained inspection for the property, and a complete remodel with a full kitchen and bathroom, without the benefit of a building permit or planning approval. in 2019, a final warning letter was issued, and the case was referred to code enforcement, and inspector mulcha found that the owner did not comply with the notice of violation. february 8, 2019, code enforcement prepared the case for a director's hearing on march 5th, 2019. on march 5th, 2019, a notice of abatement was issued and pointing out that the owner did fail to attend the hearing. a conclusion based on the facts submitted, code enforcement believed that the order of abatement was totally given, so they want to uphold the order and impose the assessment costs. i want to point out this is the second time this property has been in violation for the exact same conditions. back in 2000, the second floor was actually converted to a residential use, which there was a notice issued in september 2001a permit that they had to file for for the changes on the second floor. this is another complaint