work be done, which has no right among themselves, what should we do with the proposal of mullah abdolghani majlis was not there, i can make a trauma center, there are many things, i say that once there is an extraordinary attack, the system or actually hangs after the assassination and they said that usually these different situations happen because there is another way. translation, the complete plan has not actually been implemented yet, i thought that if you see the mechanism of responding to the names of all the mechanisms like this , there is profiteering in it, or many other cases that exist now , it will be reduced to the minimum possible, and on the other hand, there will be a loss to the owners. automakers are not as bankable as they are and it is always on one, it should be given to him richer than his mother. it is just a few months ago that we achieved the ability to build a locomotive. when iran was launched with more than 50 billion tomans, it has this capacity. it has been 50 years since the government of this commotion. it arose from the need to support and purchase the relevant d