taliban leader mullah mohammad omar was a war hero from the years of insurgency against the soviet union. pakistan decided it was going to assist mullah mohammad omar and this group which had no name and what they provided was money weaponry. training ammunition trucks tactical advice and then eventually they provided they call ups the students religious students afghans and pakistanis ending what came to beans thirteen thousand. madra saas within the northwestern frontier province. joining go in and the fight. before become. bring in attorney julie some of those who worked as an intelligence analyst at the pentagon sources in afghanistan warned against you know karl's close relationship with the taliban. worldwide there was a very bribe perception that unocal was wrecking with the us government to promote the taleban as the most likely source for a stable single group in trolling afghanistan. and there was so i think an after or hopefulness on the part of some that if this pipeline could be put through it could be a source of stability or development for afghanistan and i personally don