mullally knew that. he knew the ford has taken on too much.e famously remembers the first time a manager actually held up a red chart, a daring move, signaling to the new ceo production should be halted on one of ford's cars. >> out comes the chart. it's bride red. so i started to clap. >> you applauded the bravery in someone being willing to say we should halt this at least for the moment to figure out a better plan. >> there are no secrets. no hidden agendas. >> at the time, mullally knew that nothing could be hidden if you truly want to bring back an american brand. but, still, the automaker was under fire in washington. the ceos of the big three automakers grilled on capital after flying private jets to washington to request taxpayer bailout money. it was ford's ceo who when asked if he would do his job for a dollar said he believed he was earning his pay. >> are you willing to go down to the dollar? >> i think i'm okay where i am. >> convinced he was earning that $17 million in pay because inside ford the turnaround had begun. and the wor