they think, oh, the mullen neals, the use generation, there will always be liberal in every single issue. it won't grow up and get a job and been a first paycheck and have kids. that is not actually the case with abortion. there was a poll done last year by the gallup organization that should that -- showed that this generation is more pro-life and our parents' generation. i was reading a study not too long ago by two professors at georgetown university that was really interesting. pro-abortion, so in favor of legalized abortion, and there were talking about this mysterious case of a disappearing pro-choice generation because they showed that the attitudes of this generation towd abortion in the attitudes of the generation coming up behind us, those in high school and middle school are the most pro-life you'd generations ever. and it will trend throughout their whole life pro-life and don't know where they will find the pro-choice side of the equation. you see, when she was here in washington, the supreme court legalized abortion, they got it wrong. you know, they paid abortion as a woma