there is also throughout west africa, including next door mully, a not insignificant military presencee u.s. also conducts routine drone operations over parts of africa, surveillance and recognizance that has been acknowledged. to ensure that they have the latest intelligence about where forces may be on the ground. tonight, we are getting no details beyond this statement that u.s. forces working with niger forces have come under hostile fire in this area of southwest nigr near the worder. we'll stay on this story, bring details to everyone as soon as the military makes them publicly available. wolf. >> do we know how many u.s. troops are there providing security and training to the forces? >> well, this number is generally not discussed because it ebbs and flows over time. this is like so many military operations the u.s. does around the world. advise and assist. that means teams usually special forces, but not always, it could be from any part of the u.s. military, go in and work with local forces to try and help them on their counterterrorism missions. wolf. >> all right, barbara st