. -- one thing that has really devastated mullions is -- malawians was the breakup of our relationship with the uk. >> we talk about these broad concepts, democracy, government, security, but each of you speak about specific steps you need to take that make those things a reality. is that a big part of what it means to choose? >> absolutely. i spent nine years in my country at the top of government. you cannot tackle everything at once. you have to be deliberate. what can you do in what timeframe? he cannot do everything at once, but you can put on the building blocks that you then move further on as you have the time and opportunity. looking at the issues which confront countries coming out of crisis, when elections are being held, things are being done -- then the priorities move to how you actually build your government to deliver. that becomes very important as a part of building confidence. you need to build parliament, which is such an important organ of democracy. you need to build institutions which can fight corruption, etc.. the securities sector is extremely important. gener