heads of the ground focus on her hands, altern ating expressions, multicolored moods, unpredictable.applause] my second poem is about pro craffletination. that day i had a panic attack. i spent $20 for my class. running late, half-assepd and i still spent $20 for that class. red lights almost every black -- block. the traffic nearly made my heart stop. i ran through my class presentation straight out of the cab. i paid 20 freaking dollars for that cab. thank you. >> hi, my name is daniel and the first poem i'm going to read is shadows. ♪ i'm a shadow that moves away from night falls. i'm a shadow that makes other shadows rise. i'm a shadow that sprints, walks, and plays. some shadows are huge and mountains and others are tiny snails. some are old and others young. the sun generates our society. shadow gives a shade of dark to everything. shadows are your reflection on the ground. we are all in one society of shadows. we are all different sizes but aim for the same goal -- to be someone in this year the shadow is you. >> my michael -- mother say mountain holding up sky for me. she is