start to develop any utility company with multilived and long-lived assets and do whatever you do to borrow against it. that is for the big thing, so to speak. we always say it is better not to use the energy in the first place than to build another power plant. the rest is raise enough money and get enough to raise energy efficiency. the point of the report is reducing the rate will reduce this. people do respond that. will reduce it somewhat. the trick is get out there the way we have done with the water system. we go out to people's homes with the water system and give you a fresh aerator for your faucet. we will give you the low-flow shower for your shower head, a rebate on your toilet. those are the kind of things we want to do. not just create more energy but save it and not use it. those kind of programs we will have to figure out. once we start the revenue stream, where do you fund those or rearrange the money, how do you make those work? we cannot tell you it is a perfect model set out for the next ten years but that is the idea. >> i guess that is question for me. obviously