nigel haskett was shot l multipl multipletimes by an attacker. his medical bills r were over $300,000. >> if you are on the employer's premises and get hurt you're supposed to be paid. it doesn't work that way anymore. >> he eventually negotiated an out of court settlement for haskett the. he says it's becoming increasingly more difficult to settle workers compensation cases. reduce benefits or make it more difficult to qualify for them. many of these laws have increased the control that employers and insurers have over whether an employed worker needed surgery. >> it ended my career. >> which brings us back to judy perkins. she conveniently founder a doctor who helped her push the rming surgery through. >> the vertebrae started setting. i hurt all the time. >> she eventually resigned from the particularly. she has a hard time sitting for long times, walk or sleep. >> i wanted to get well. i'm not the only officer who has gone through this. i have officer friends who have the same situation. they are worried that if they don't go back to work, af