welcome to tosh.o don't be confused i'm not mumford & sons. it's me, daniel.ting rag and bone. we get a web redemption. i get in the shark tank with a billion dollar idea and i show you how we relieve stress around the office. now let's see her stick it to the man again. >> aye, aye, aye. you might wan to do a better job hiding the murder weapon. she tossed that lumber aside like pujols after taking one deep. there is no way he deserved that. women are always treated with dignity in third world countries. i should know, i use to live in miami. this next kid must be a bachelor. because he's drinking straight from the carton. he probably has a mouth full of corn flakes or he's doing the never ending gallon challenge. just like nick cannon. >> when you leave the house in crotchless stockings you're looking for trouble. ya, here is your real slut, limbaugh. she's trying to get to the urine discount. oldest trick in the book. i pee sitting down too on a toilet like a respectable person. good lord her bladder is as big as a savings at office max. why am i turned on