road and it's highly likely that too much nitrogen oxide is a mid into the atmosphere on down hot munden if you have the efficiency mode that only complies with emissions and limits during a test pits hardly a great solution is this kind of work. to ensure that the car is only clean when it's being tested for developers interfere with the engine control to manipulate the software. as soon as a vehicle recognizes that a so-called test cycle is running its software switches into efficiency mode sufficient add blue is injected into the catalytic converter and the car is clean. once the car is on the open road the software switches back into the dirty economy mode emitting more pollutants. thus cheating on emissions values. in the test cycle in the industry they call it cycle beating developers express their misgivings in a presentation. cycle beating approach highly critical in the usa. cycle beating. cycle beating is a term known to everyone in the automobile industry side you don't have to be an engineer to know that it's evidently illegal there's no legal cycle beating very clearly again