. -- munstero, monster also missed out by victory -- on victory by a whistle. one, where lewis hamilton has secured his fourth pole position in a row. the first british driver to do so since 1995. he navigated the circuit with ease, ahead of his archrival and the defending champ, sebastian battle -- sebastien vettel. comfortable holds a overall lead for the season. his closest competitor will start sunday from eight place on the grid. friendlys won a athletics competition in berlin. the best long and high jumpers and poll vaulters from the u.s., russia, france, and germany took part in the event with the slogan "berlin fly." it was old against the -- it was held against the historic backdrop of the brandenburg gate. the french team overcame strong winds to claim victory. the german women's field hockey team has grabbed gold at the european championships in belgium. germany faced off against england and it was a nailbiter. 4 after regular- time. it came down to a make or break penalty shootout. the germans kept cool, beating the brits 2-0. it is not only the 50t