that's charles muntz! it is? who's charles muntz? him! dogs: yes! yes! that's him!good taste. (both laughing) now, you must be tired. hungry? uh-huh. now, attention, everyone! these people are no longer intruders! they are our guests. (dogs cheering) dog 1: follow me. i like you temporarily. you do smell like prunes. carl: whoa! dog 2: i will not bite you. dog 3: the small mailman smells like chocolate. muntz: i'm sorry about the dogs. hope they weren't too rough on you. gamma: we weren't. muntz: go ahead and moor your airship right next to mine. we're not actually going inside thespirit of adventure itself? oh... would you like to? would i? (laughing delightedly) carl: wait up, mr. muntz. jiminy cricket. beta: not you. gamma: what do we do with dug? alpha: he has lost the bird. put him in the cone of shame. (whimpers) dug: i do not like the cone of shame. [richard] this, is your money. a billion dollars. a billion dollars. it's what's leftover after people do their own taxes, maybe get a refund and think they're done. i've got news. this is a billion reasons your t