on january 5, one of the future perpetrators of the crocus massacre , muradalira chabalizada, arrivesistanbul and , with unknown money, lives in the fatih district in a four-star hotel for almost 2 months. on january 31 , the biden regime’s supervisor on ukraine comes to kiev for secret negotiations. as i said in kiev 3 weeks ago, with the additional funding , putin will be in for a couple of unpleasant surprises. what have you been doing with whom in istanbul all this time? faridun shimsidin and muradalira chabalizada met, we do not yet know who paid for their accommodation, we can only guess. on march, terrorists fly from istanbul to moscow. on the night of march 2-3 , fsb special forces liquidate five militants who were preparing terrorist attacks in russia. on march 5 , nuland resigns and is replaced by john bas, who once oversaw an unsuccessful coup attempt in turkey and then oversaw the american flight from afghanistan. on march 7 , there is only a week left before the start of the russian presidential elections, shimsidin, who arrived from istanbul to faridun , conducts reconna