our course leads us past murasaki 312, a quasar-like formation, vague, undefined. priceless opportunity for scientific investigation. on board is galactic high commissioner ferris, overseeing the delivery of the medicines to mockus 3. captain to shuttlecraftgalileo-- stand by, mr. spock. i remind you, captain, to get those emergen i'm entirely opposed to this delay. cy medical supplies to mockus 3 in time for their transfer to the new paris colony. no problem, commissioner. that i have standing orders to investigate all quasars and quasar-like phenomena wherever they may be encountered. besides... it's three days to mockus. and the rendezvous doesn't take place for five. i don't like to take chances. the plague is out of control on new paris. we must get those drugs there on time. no problem. captain togalileo-- all systems cleared for takeoff. power up. all instruments activated. all l adings normal. all go. readings normal... acceleration normal... phase one separation nororl. position? sir, i-- make up your mind, please, mr. latimer. sir, this indicator's gone c