. >> guest: it was muriel morrissey. c-span: yeah. >> guest: her name is muriel morrissey. c-span: and what did... >> guest: and her daughter was very helpful, too. c-span: and what did muriel morrissey remember? >> guest: well, it wasn't so much what muriel morrissey remembered, although she remembered a great deal. it was more getting from her a feeling--a feeling of what--of what their life was like. and also, she pointed me in quite a few new directions so that i came up with more new material. c-span: what was their life like? >> guest: when they were children? amelia--their--their li-the two of them had, in their young--first childish years, very different lives, actually, because amelia was sent to live with her grandmother in atchison, kansas, 'cause her grandmother was quite elderly and lonely, although she did have a husband. he was--he was a bit withdrawn and there'd been a few deaths, and so she was sent to live in atchison with her grandparents and comfort her grandmother. and muriel lived in kansas city, but they were always very close and they were always tog