and then we have murine sullivan, the -- murine sullivan, the daisy girl scout leader. i was a girl scout. now, it is cookie time when girl scouts will be out at major stores and knocking on doors and getting in touch with family and friends to sell girl scout cookies. and you have a new cookie. >> yes. >> the new cookie is savannah smiles. i like the name savannah smiles. is it good? >> i haven't tried it yet. >> well, let's open it up and try it. it is lemon cookies, right? of course, we have the thin mints. and the significance of the cookie campaign is that when girls sell the cookies, the money that they raise helps their troops. >> yes. >> it is so important. >> yes, definitely. >> and being a scout really is a wonderful foundation for a young girl growing up into becoming a woman. it is so important. >> definitely. >> because they learn so much. they learn sisterhood, they learn how working together is important. they have so many different projects. i remember when i was a girl scout. i think i still carry some of those traits. i hope i do. aren't you happy to b