this was a time when japan was known for cheap, copycat products and murray teson didn't say we're goingmake sony known for quality, we're going to make japan known for quality, he chose a mission that was bigger than sony. we have a similar idea in mind. we want other companies to look at amazon and see us as a standard bearer for obsessive focus on the customer as opposed to obsessive focus on the competitor. that's one of the reasons we work on differentiated products. it's one of the reasons we take a long-term viewpoint on things. you can't really do the right thing for customers if you're short-term oriented and if you're going to invent new things you've also got to be able -- this goes along with long-term orientation, you've got to be able to endure a lot of criticism. kindle is a good example. if you're going to put your back into reinventing a 500-year-old industry, some folks are going to get ornery. >> charlie: it was feared by people that had your stock that once wal-mart got serious of being online they were going on blow you away. why didn't that happen? >> i think it's b