in this laboratory and reanalyze the samples using techniques like inductively coupled plans murtala commission spectroscopic the oem to say to quit makes this lab unique because there's no other laboratory in russia that has the capacity to analyze samples of all the platinum group metals that's gold silver platinum palladium rhodium iridium ruth any. contest sample concentrates from one part per million which is one ten thousandth of a percent all the way up to one hundred percent. one attend by the london bali and market association to design them produce the international silverstone did which is basically a benchmark silverball it's a fairly complicated task the material must have a certain composition also we have to ensure homage an a.s.e. and proper distribution of attitudes but thanks to our expertise in the use of various methods and hines tech facilities we manage to rise to the occasion and come up with a quality sounded that is now used across the world. while the super standard is certainly handy for other analysts the jury question it turns out has an even wider appeal