jack murtha is dead and i am no longer in office. [laughter] sec.y: we are well-qualified to tell them how they should have done it. i mean, there is no question that there has been deadlock and plenty of blame to go around. i prefer to say, we have a fresh shark and we have a new -- a fresh start we have a new president and a unified congress. ultimately, obviously, the democrats can, they can filibuster and create problems and we need to find ways to work together going forward. i think personally, what you need upfront is strong presidential leadership, and working with the congress to get them on board and i think many of them are already there. we need this as a number one priority. the u.s. military capability, national security policy, and our role in the world, we need to have agreement on the input for the resources to make it a reality and all the other debates, they are interesting but irrelevant until we solve the problem. sec. panetta: the new president will run into what all new presidents run into, smack into the wall of checks and ba